Types of Inheritance in Java


In the previous blog we learned about Inheritance in Java. If you want to visit the blog visit Inheritance in Java In this blog, we will go through the different types of inheritance supported in Java such as:

  1. Single Inheritance
  2. Multilevel inheritance
  3. Hierarchical Inheritance
  4. Multiple Inheritance(using Interface)
  5. Hybrid Inheritance(using Inheritance)

Note that in Java multiple inheritance and hybrid inheritance are not supported in Java through class. They are supported through interface. In order to show the inheritance extends keyword is used. When the extend keyword is used, it means that the child class is inheriting the properties of the parent class. For example if there are two classes class X and class Y and extends keyword is used, then it means that class Y is inheriting the properties of class X. Here class X is a parent class or superclass and class Y is the child class or subclass. We will go through the types of Inheritance in detail

Single Inheritance

Single Inheritance is very easy to understand. When one class inherits(extends) another class then it is called single inheritance.


In the above figure class A is a parent class or superclass and class B is child class or subclass. class B is inheriting all the properties(methods,variables,..) of class A.

Single Inheritance Example:


class AnimalExample{
  void eat(){
    System.out.println("Inside the eat() of AnimalExample class


class DogExample extends AnimalExample{
  void bark(){
    System.out.println("Inside the bark() of DogExample class


class SingleInheritanceExample{
  public static void main(String args[]){
    DogExample d=new DogExample();


Inside the eat() of AnimalExample class
Inside the bark() of DogExample class

Multilevel Inheritance

When a class inherits(extends) the other class, which again inherits(extends) another class is known as Multilevel Inheritance For example there are three classes X, Y and Z, class Z extends class Y and class Y extends class X.


Multilevel Inheritance Example:


class AnimalExample{
  void eat(){
    System.out.println("Inside the eat() of AnimalExample class


class DogExample extends AnimalExample{
  void bark(){
    System.out.println("Inside the bark() of DogExample class


class BabyDogExample extends DogExample{
  void weep(){
    System.out.println("Inside the weep() of BabyDogExample class


class MultilevelInheritanceExample{
  public static void main(String args[]){
    BabyDogExample atrowelObj=new BabyDogExample();


Inside the eat() of AnimalExample class
  Inside the bark() of DogExample class
  Inside the weep() of BabyDogExample class

Hierarchical Inheritance

Hierarchical Inheritance in Java means when one class is inherited(extended) by its child classes then it is called Hierarchical Inheritance. For example suppose there are four classes: class W, class X, class Y and class Z. class W is a parent calls of X, Y and Z.


Hierarchical Inheritance Example:


class AnimalExample{
  void eat(){
    System.out.println("Inside the eat() of AnimalExample class


class DogExample extends AnimalExample{
  void bark(){
    System.out.println("Inside the bark() of DogExample class


class CatExample extends AnimalExample{
  void meow(){
     System.out.println("Inside the meow() of CatExample class


class HierarchicalInheritanceExamle{
  public static void main(String args[]){
    CatExample atrowelObj=new CatExample();
    DogExample atrowelObj1 = new DogExample();


Inside the meow() of CatExample class
Inside the eat() of AnimalExample class
Inside the bark() of DogExample class
Inside the eat() of AnimalExample class

Why Java doesn't support multiple inheritance?

In order to reduce the complexity and increase the simplicity, Java doesn’t support multiple inheritance because it creates ambiguity. Suppose if we consider three classes X, Y and Z and class Z inherits class X and Y, and if class X and class Y have the same method defined in them and if we call it from the child class, then there will be ambiguity and the compiler will not understand which method to call, whether to call the method from class X or from class Y. So the compiler gives an error and the program gets terminated. For example:


class X{
  void displayMsg(){
     System.out.println("Inside the displayMsg() of class X");


class Y{
  void displayMsg(){
     System.out.println("Inside the displayMsg() of class Y");


class Z extends X,Y{
  public static void main(String args[]){
    Z atrowelObj = new Z();
    atrowelObj.msg();//Now which displayMsg() method would be invoked?

Multiple Inheritance

When one class inherits(extends) multiple classes is called multiple inheritance. But in Java multiple inheritance is not supported. But it is possible using the interface, we will see it in our upcoming blogs.


Hybrid Inheritance

Hybrid Inheritance in Java is nothing but the combination of single and multiple inheritance. But it is also supported through the interface.


Access Modifiers in Java

Access Modifiers in Java define the scope of fields, methods, class or constructor. By applying the access modifier, we can change the access level of class, fields, methods of constructors. Following are access modifiers:

  1. private
  2. default
  3. protected
  4. public
  1. private
  2. private access modifier in java means when we define a field or method as private then we will not be able to access that outside the class, we can only access them within that class. For better understanding we will go through the example:

    class AtrowelPrivateModifierEx{
      private String atrowelStr=Javashortkicks;
      private void displayMsg(){
        System.out.println("Welcome to");}
    public class TestPrivateModifierEx{
      public static void main(String args[]){
        AtrowelPrivateModifierEx atrowelObj=new AtrowelPrivateModifierEx();
        System.out.println(atrowelObj.atrowelStr);//It will give Compile Time Error
        atrowelObj.displayMsg();//It will also give Compile Time Error

    In the above example there are two classes AtrowelPrivateModifierEx and TestPrivateModifierEx in which there is one private data field and one private method. You can see that we are trying to access the data field and method using the other class, which in return gives error, because as we have seen earlier that private fields and methods are accessible only within its class and we are trying to access it in another class.Now we will see another example where we have defined the constructor as private and will see how the code behave.

    class PrivateConstructorEx{
      private PrivateConstructorEx(){}//private constructor
      void displayMsg(){
        System.out.println("Hello java");
    public class TestPrivateModifierEx{
      public static void main(String args[]){
        PrivateConstructorEx obj=new PrivateConstructorEx();//Compile Time Error

    In the above example we have defined the constructor as private due to which we will not be able to create an instance of the class from outside of the class, because we have defined the constructor as private. Please make a note that the class cannot be private or protected except its child classes.

  3. default
  4. default access modifier in java is when we don’t use any modifier, then it is treated as default by default. When we use default for fields, methods or class then they are accessible only within the same package. They cannot be accessible outside the package. It gives more accessibility than private modifier, but it is more restrictive as compared to public and protected. For example:

    package atrowelpack;
    public class DefaultModifierEx{
      protected void displayMsg(){
        System.out.println("Welcome to Atrowel");
    package atrowelpackage;
     import atrowelpack.*;
    class DefaultModifier extends DefaultModifierEx{
      public static void main(String args[]){
        DefaultModifier atrowelObj = new DefaultModifier();

    In the above example we can see that we have defined two classes in different packages and we are trying to access the class DefaultModifierEx outside of its package, as the class is not public so it will not be accessible and will give a compilation error.

  5. protected
  6. protected access modifier in java is accessible within its package and outside of its package but only through inheritance. It can be applied onIt gives more accessibility than default. For example:


    package atrowelpack;
    public class ProtectedModifierEx{
      protected void displayMsg(){
        System.out.println("Welcome to Javashortkicks");


    package atrowelpackage;
    import atrowelpack.*;
    class ProtectedModofier extends ProtectedModifierEx{
      public static void main(String args[]){
        ProtectedModifier atrowelObj = new ProtectedModifier();


    Welcome to Javashortkicks

    In the above example we have created two packages named atrowelpack and atrowelpackage. class ProtectedModifierEx class of package atrowelpack is public, so we can access it from outside the package. But the method displayMsg() from the same package is declared as protected, so we can access it from outside of the package only through the inheritance.

  7. public
  8. public access modifier in java is the modifier that is accessible everywhere. It can be accessible in the class, outside the class, within the package ,outside the package. For example:


    package atrowelpack;
    public class PublicModifierEx{
      public void displayMsg(){
        System.out.println("Welcome to Javashortkicks");


    package atrowelpackge;
    import atrowelpack.*;
    class PublicModfier{
      public static void main(String args[]){
        PublicModifierEx atrowelobj = new PublicModifierEx();


    Welcome to Javashortkicks

Java Access Modifiers Table

The following table will give you the better understanding of the access modifiers

Access ModifiersAccessed within the classAccessed within the package Accessed outside package by child class onlyAccessed outside the package

Core Java Tutorial

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