
Compress Image Online

Image ToolImage CropperImage ResizerImage RotatorImage Flipper / MirrorImage CompressorJPG ConverterPNG ConverterWEBP ConverterBMP Converter

Online Free Image Compressor quickly helps compress images in seconds. Without worrying about data leakage you can use Atrowel Image Compressor. It will not make server-level image compression. Browse or drag and drop an image from your device, and enter the expected quality.

How to Compress the Image using JavaScript?

Compressor.js is a JavaScript image compressor. It will use the HTMLCanvasElement.toBlob() method to perform image compression. With the help of compressor options we can specify quality, width, height etc.

Below is a sample code to Compress an image

var quality = 0.5; /* Float value between 1 to 0 */
new Compressor(this.file, {
  strict: true,
  checkOrientation: true,
  maxWidth: undefined,
  maxHeight: undefined,
  minWidth: 0,
  minHeight: 0,
  width: undefined,
  height: undefined,
  resize: 'none',
  quality: quality,
  mimeType: '',
  convertTypes: 'image/png',
  convertSize: 5000000,
  success(result) {
    image = URL.createObjectURL(result);
  error(err) {

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